
Sahaja Yoga :: Devine word shree mata ji "spontaneous salvation"

When we say "spontaneous salvation," it implies that salvation has to click by itself. The translation of word spontaneous is "sahaj." Sahaj means: "saha" means with, "ja" means born. It is born within you. That means the right of getting salvation is born within you; the mechanism by which you are going to get salvation is also born with you, and the opportunity of getting salvation is also born with you. But when I say it is born with you, it is spontaneous, it is within yourself, one starts wondering that many books have written like that, so many people have said that salvation has to be spontaneous, sahaj. All the great gurus, the real people, all the great incarnations have described that salvation is going to come to you spontaneously. Even rationally, if you understand that if salvation means an evolutionary process it has to be spontaneous. Till you have become a human being, the evolution from amoeba to this stage has t...

Know The Power within "Sat-Chit-Anand" ~Shree Mata ji

Now we were talking about 'Sat-Chit-Anand'. Again I have to use Sanskrit words. 'Sat-Chit-Anand' is the 'Super Consciousness', the all pervading power. 'Chit' is the attention, the 'Consciousness'. You are just now conscious and listening to me. Every minute, you are conscious. But every moment is becoming dead into the past. Every moment is coming from the future to the present. But you are conscious at this moment and are listening to me. A thought rises and falls. You can see the rising of the thought, but not the falling of the thought. In between these thoughts, there is a space called 'Vilamb'. If you can stop for a while, you get to the Conscious Mind and there exists the 'Sat-Chit-Anand'. You can say 'Sat-Chit-Anand' is the condition of the mind or the state of mind, where there is no thought, but you are aware 'Nirvichara'. This is the first stage, where you jump into; into the 'Super Conscio...